Coastal Classic?

It’s coastal race day at the Audi Settimana delle Bocche and the forecast is promising. The grey early morning clouds and oppressive humidity has cleared and the forecast is for 12-18kts of breeze which should give a chance of a good, quick race.

Bronenosec are the ones to watch. They are the Kings of the Coastal Race, the Tsars of the Point to Point. New kids on the block are of course are Sorcha, but in fact they have done a lot of coastal racing in the Caribbean and the crew are well attuned to racing in these waters. Navigator Campbell Field confirms he has done his fair share of soundings around the course area.

At the top of the regatta standings it is tied on points between Azzurra and Quantum Racing. So often the early advantage proves decisive, so the pressure is on from the first seconds of the race all the way to the finish line.