Romolo Ranieri Quantum Racing’s Italian grinder

How is the life of an Italian aboard Quantum Racing?

I had some luck two years ago to join this project. I have been in this since then and it is great to be on the Circuit because outside of the America’s Cup this is the best racing there is in a high-level design. I’m very happy, I have managed to have fun at the same time, as well as the pleasure of being able to work with a group of professionals of the highest level.

What is your feeling after Capri?

Certainly there is a high level more uniformly across the board as of Capri, where the light breeze was a real test for the boats. Some boats are there more optimised for IRC “longer keels”, starting the season with new sails, all raising the level of the class. We hope that here in Sardinia there will be a few days of wind, so that we can see a real level among the boats.

So you are looking to a fourth world title?

Unfortunately I was not on board for the three previous victories, so hopefully we can sail to our potential and I can get one too.