D-Day for Azzurra

And so the penultimate day of the season arrives bathed in beautiful sunshine with a light westerly wind which should build in the afternoon to 10-12kts.

It is a day which has been a long time coming for Azzurra. They should reach the finish tape today, winning the 2015 52 SUPER SERIES when their points delta to Quantum Racing exceeds the number left on the table. They go on the water today with a lead of 40 points and so after the first race finishes if that margin is preserved – in theory they need 39 points of margin if three races were left – and the 2015 title is Azzurra’s. Guillermo Parada, the Azzurra skipper-helm, considers a seventh in this race will be enough.
Platoon lead the tussle for third now. Harm Müller Spreer’s team took a small advantage of three points up on Sled, with Bronenosec one point further back.

To finish third would a big success for us. At the start of the season I was thinking to win some races and get on the podium maybe at one regatta would be fantastic, so we are already happy.
Harm Müller-Spreer, owner, Platoon

Said the German owner-driver.