
With Azzurra and Platoon tied at the top and four races still to go in the 52 SUPER SERIES at the 34th Copa del Rey MAPFRE the top of the table could not be closer and for sure today will be decisive. Platoon’s clear strategy has been to win a key berth at the pin end of the line to win the left early. In many respects it is the high risk option which one would consider cannot work every time so it will be interesting today to see how things play out today.

Meantime the battle behind the top two is very close, Bronenosec are on 22, Quantum Racing on 23 and Alegre on 25. Key difference for these three is they have all had a 9 or 10.
And then behind the fight continues through the fleet. Paprec are up to seventh, remarkably – given they were on the podium at the worlds just a month ago, Provezza are the bottom of the leaderboard scoring two 11s and a 10 today is the day they need to turn that around.