Chasing the Dream

Azzurra have the one point lead going into today’s two race finale for the 34th Copa del Rey MAPFRE title for the 52 SUPER SERIES. The regatta is wide open.

To say that four boats are in the frame is true but in reality any one of the top six could win outright. Each of the top teams may have different approaches, a slightly different situation going afloat but on the dock at the RCNP this morning each was saying approximately the same things – ‘we feel no pressure’ ‘we just focus on sailing our best’ ‘we do our own thing’. Azzurra have the impetus as winners of two regattas in a row. Platoon are tied with Quantum Racing one point behind. The German flagged crew have to come back from a tough day yesterday. Quantum Racing hold the whip hand after a 2,1 yesterday. And Bronenosec are the outsiders who have a perfect package and are ready to pounce.
Breezes are set to be lighter, more from the SW and so more right handed and more unsettled. The wheel is turning and the die are cast …

Vasco Vascotto, Azzurra said:

There are two races and obviously there is a lot to lose and a lot to gain. We are in good shape and we are happy with the results we have had up until now. We are leading the regatta and leading the circuit by the same amount of points as we had at the start. I think we are in good shape. We have already won something and so the pressure is on the others. We are happy to and do the best we can.
Vasco Vascotto, Azzurra

Jon Gunderson, Bronenosec, said:

We just focus on performance, making sure we do our jobs well. I don’t think about winning. I am so stoked we are where we are. We have a fantastic package, great boat, sails and rig. We were fast from the start and we are still fast now.
Jon Gunderson, Bronenosec

Harm Müller Spreer, Platoon said:

There is no pressure. A long, long time ago I would have been nervous today but I know that today is about keeping cool and doing our jobs. We had no expectations at the start of the season. I have been sitting behind a desk for six or seven years with no sailing, so I am just happy we are in contention.
Harm Müller-Spreer, Platoon

Terry Hutchinson, Quantum Racing, said:

Doug, as he is great at doing, just stopped us at the debrief last night and just gave us a few words about keeping it real. He is a great leader to have with us, we are so fortunate. He just gives us a perspective. We are just looking to do the same as we did yesterday. By that I mean sail the same we did yesterday, to keep it really simple.
Terry Hutchinson, Qantum Racing