2016 Scarlino Cup – Race 1 Update

Quantum Racing took first blood of the 2016 52 SUPER SERIES season when they passed Andy Soriano’s Alegre on the final downwind of Race 1 of the Scarlino Cup in Tuscany, Italy.

Quantum Racing led at the first windward mark but Alegre read the first run better and squeezed ahead in the light breeze by holding more right on the downwind. By the second beat Alegre looked to be on course to win but the breeze eased yet more on the second run.

Alegre gybed away from Quantum Racing and the double 52 SUPER SERIES champions were able to work the left side of the run where they found slightly better breeze than Alegre. Rán Racing took third, overhauling Provezza. 52 SUPER SERIES champions Azzurra were fourth at the first mark but dropped to seventh.

For full results, visit: http://bit.ly/247lYzh