The recent Rolex TP52 World Championship Cascais 2022 which was the second regatta of the 52 SUPER SERIES 2022 season, achieved the highest Clean Regattas sustainability award ever to be presented in Portugal by SAILORS FOR THE SEA PORTUGAL.

The Platinum level Clean Regattas Program award was presented to the 52 SUPER SERIES Sustainability Officer Lars Böcking at the end of event prizegiving not only in recognition of the consistently high benchmark standards set by the 52 SUPER SERIES but for the constant positive messages and practical, pragmatic initiatives which the circuit promotes.
SAILORS FOR THE SEA PORTUGAL work in close collaboration with the CLUBE NAVAL DE CASCAIS.
Clean Regattas is the world’s leading voluntary sustainability certification program for all events on the water, near water, and for water enthusiasts. Since the program was set up in 2006, more than 3,000 events have demonstrated their commitment to sustainability by seeking Clean Regattas certification. This program is said to have has reached more than 795,000 sailors and participants in more than 50 countries.
The Clean Regattas Program is a collaborative sustainability assessment tool with powerful resources and support that enables certification with various levels of certification from Participant to the top level, Platinum, which has been achieved by the Rolex TP52 World Championship.
Certification of a regatta is reviewed by an independent committee, whose responsibility and objective are to work together with the event organizer and verify Good Sustainability Practices at each event.

Compliance with 20 Good Practices in the form of 5 commitments:
– Elimination of single-use items
– Community Involvement
– Responsible Waste Management
– Event Sustainability Management
– Sustainable Boats

During this regatta, the team from Sailors for the Sea Portugal, from Rolex TP52 World Championship and Clube Naval de Cascais sought to make this World-class event as sustainable as possible, reducing its environmental footprint and the direct impact on the ocean in a achievable, practical and relevant way.

“To achieve this Platinum level requires a huge effort and an amazing level of team work between the circuit, the Club and Sailors For The Sea Portugal. It’s not just about the commitment to sustainability but it is the combined will to make a real difference together. This is a showcase of what it is possible to do with the right level of commitment. For Sailors For The Sea it is a dream come true to see a regatta embracing and promoting sustainability values and initiatives like this. And this achievement by the Rolex TP52 World Championship will surely encourage others to take the next step. As we say at Sailors For The Sea, Be The Change You Want To Sea.”

Said Bernardo Corrêa de Barros

“It is fantastic to be recognised like this. We started out our sustainability initiatives really in 2017 and now it is 2022 and we look and see what we have achieved but this is about a level of team work. We say that team work makes the dream work but in this case everyone now contributes across the board, from our sustainability ambassadors from each team, to our stakeholders, owners and our organisation, we are continuing to push forwards to do all we can to protect our environment and our ocean and to encourage everyone to do the same.”

Lars Böcking responded at the prize giving.